• Welcome to Our Church

    Whether you are new to our website, a frequent visitor, or a long-time member of People's Congregational Church, we welcome you!

    We hope that on these pages you will find information and inspiration that will lead you to our beautiful and historic church in the scenic Saint Croix Valley of southeastern Minnesota.

    From our Pilgrim heritage to our involvement in contemporary issues of faith and action, ours is a rich story which we look forward to sharing with you.

  • Hamilton experience in musical theater was get their hands announced this Summer 2017

  • Musicals will involve the Opera House for no less than 25 weeks, with one show in the Broadway arrangement yet to be declared. That clear space is an update that theater is as yet discovering its vision — and settling its staff — under Rutter. New York maker Jeffrey Finn was named in October as the Center's VP of theater creating and programming, so the season taking after 2017-18 ought to be a more entire sign of how the recently introduced Finn will diagram his course hamilton tickets.

    Tickets to Hamilton are difficult to get, and 60,000 fans in San Francisco discovered that lesson great a year ago. They were sitting tight in an online line for a considerable length of time for pre-deal tickets just to be told the tickets were sold out.

    In some ways, I think our theater culture disparages melodic theater, and does not see it as the genuine artistic expression it is viewed as in America, for instance," Norris revealed to The Stage, including that he felt there was a lost gaudiness around musicals in specific circles.

    Emily McLaughlin, the NT's head of new work, said the month to month assemble contains around 17 normal participants, a blend of authors and dramatists My 5 Favourite Hamilton Blogs That Are Worth Reading, some of whom have never worked in melodic theater. They meet for sessions given by melodic theater specialists, and in addition build up their own particular thoughts that are worked up for execution amid half-yearly week-long sessions.

    The state of next season, which will be Deborah Rutter's fourth as the middle's leader, to a great extent takes after the 2016-17 design. "Hamilton" is the enormous pooch among Broadway melodic visits, constantly major tentpoles not simply in theater terms but rather for the complex on the loose GALA Hispanic Theatre Brings a Lin-Manuel Miranda Musical (No, Not That One) To D.C..

    The venture is being financed by the Genesis Foundation over an underlying time of two years. The NT declined to give a figure on the sum it gets. Be that as it may, the establishment's executive John Studzinski revealed to The Stage it was "a few hundred thousand pounds for each year".

    Best images about Theatre

    Best images about Theatre

    Hamilton the Musical Montage from the Public Theater

  • More About Us
    Worship at People's

  • Sunday Schedule
    9:00am: “The Anchor”
    A Traditional Worship Service
    9:00am Education Hour – All Ages
    10:00am: “The Bridge” Fellowship
    A time For Coffee & Conversation
    10:30am: “The Well-Spring”
    An Informal, Family-Friendly Worship Service Utilizing Different Musical Styles
    Last Sunday of Each Month
    9:00am Education Hour – All Ages
    10:00am “The Bridge” Fellowship
    10:30am “The Oasis” Worship

    Professional Nursery Care Provided 8:45-11:30am

    Have a question?
    We look forward to hearing from you!
    651 439-5667

    What's Happening
    Come Join Us!Our Mission We are a community of people who celebrate God’s unconditional love through joyful worship and faithful service. Empowered by the spirit of the risen Christ, we are blessed to be a blessing.  



    Upcoming Events


    Women’s Book Club: Wednesday, July 11th,

    4:30 pm – 6:00 pm at the Dock Cafe

      We will be discussing “Dead Tease” by Victoria Houston.


    “Men of People’s”: Breakfast Saturday, July 14th, 8:00 am at the Lowell Inn.


    Vacation Bible School: Tuesday,  July 24th, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm


    Pizza and Outdoor Movie Night July 21st

    Contact / Directions

    email: office@peoplescongregationalchurch.org

    People's Congregational Church
    ph. 651.439.5667
    309 North Third Street Bayport, MN 55003