More About Us
Worship at People's

  • Sunday Schedule
    9:00am: “The Anchor”
    A Traditional Worship Service
    9:00am Education Hour – All Ages
    10:00am: “The Bridge” Fellowship
    A time For Coffee & Conversation
    10:30am: “The Well-Spring”
    An Informal, Family-Friendly Worship Service Utilizing Different Musical Styles
    Last Sunday of Each Month
    9:00am Education Hour – All Ages
    10:00am “The Bridge” Fellowship
    10:30am “The Oasis” Worship

    Professional Nursery Care Provided 8:45-11:30am

    Have a question?
    We look forward to hearing from you!
    651 439-5667

    Groups & Gatherings


    Keenagers activities are planned for members, friends, and family of People’s Church who are over 55. Everyone is welcome to join us for any and all of our activities. Please contact the church office to make reservations in advance. 651-439-5667 or WHO ARE WE? We are a loosely organized social “club” for the aged 55 and older members and friends of People’s Congregational Church.  About once a month an activity is planned.  Sometimes it is at the church.  Sometimes it is an outing. Usually, there is no cost for events, but sometimes there is an admission fee or people pay for the cost of their lunch, or a free will offering is collected. HISTORY: Keenagers began in 1987 with our pastor at the time.  He found it was a good way to get together with the retired members at our church.  They resisted being called “seniors” and the term “Keenagers” was created. On September 13, 1999 a planning meeting was held with about 20 members and the Keenagers was reborn.  The purpose is social and fun. New Age Tickets Food is often involved.  Members and friends and guests of all ages are very welcome.  Usually spring, fall, and winter schedules are posted.  Now Keenagers is organized by a volunteer coordinator, Sarah Andersen. TRADITIONS: One of our great traditions is going out for a Valentine’s Lunch.  Another tradition is to go for a boat ride and picnic lunch in June on the St. Croix River.  Twice a year, a local theater group comes to People’s to perform.  The Duck Soup Players offer comedy and music that makes us all laugh.  Other events include “Lunch and a Movie” at the church and visiting local museums or historic locations. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: We ask that for each event, you please contact the church office to make reservations so we can plan for the correct number of people to have enough food, to have enough spaces to carpool, or to make reservations. Call 651-439-5667 or email . Let us know if you need a ride to and from the church.  Usually for outings, we meet at the church and carpool. GOT IDEAS? — We are always interested in suggestions for movies or outings or events. Keenagers is designed for people aged 55 and older, but all ages are welcome. Please contact the church office to make reservations so we can plan for the correct number of people.  Call 651-439-5667 or email Let us know if you need a ride.


    BeFrienders are a specially trained group of church members who can provide care and support through a time of transition or crisis. They strive to live out their mission statement: “Befrienders share the love and presence of God through their listening ears and caring hearts.” If you or someone you know could use a friend to talk with, please call Ellen Laird (715)381-5335). Life is too short to go through hard times alone.

    Prayer Shawl Ministry

    Shawls are lovingly hand stitched to provide warmth and comfort for those in need of healing, enduring times of transition, or simply need a reminder that God and our community cares about them. A group began gathering monthly in the fall of 2007 to knit and crochet these shawls together. We would love to have you join us in this worthwhile service to our church community. If you don’t knit or crochet, we’ll help you learn. Not interested in making shawls, but would like to help by organizing and helping keep track of records? We could use you too! Maybe you’d like to help make up the cards that go with the shawls – or perhaps you could help deliver them! Contact Carol Dusbabek (651-439-6411) or Mary Nelson (651-439-2275). If none of the above appeals to you, we could STILL use your support in prayer (and if you’d like, dollars). Thank you for your prayers, kindness, and interest in our ministry. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MEETS at 7:00 pm, THE FIRST MONDAY AND THIRD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH IN THE FIRESIDE ROOM OF PEOPLE’S CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.


    Here is an opportunity for folks to gather for good food and great conversation. Think of it as a new way to have Bible Study! Each “First Friday” of the month we’ll come together for dinner and delve into the bible for study and exploration. This monthly commitment will feed mind, body and spirit as we deepen our relationship with one another and strengthen our spiritual knowledge and insight. Currently we are exploring the Gospel of John.


    Saturday, May 19th at 10:00 a.m. @ Carol Dusbabek’s Home in Bayport. We are reading “Monday Morning” by Sanjay Gupta. All women are welcome to join us for lively discussions and fellowship! Please contact Kathy Iverson, 651-351-2886 or for more information or a short description of the selections.

    People's Congregational Church
    ph. 651.439.5667
    309 North Third Street Bayport, MN 55003