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Worship at People's

  • Sunday Schedule
    9:00am: “The Anchor”
    A Traditional Worship Service
    9:00am Education Hour – All Ages
    10:00am: “The Bridge” Fellowship
    A time For Coffee & Conversation
    10:30am: “The Well-Spring”
    An Informal, Family-Friendly Worship Service Utilizing Different Musical Styles
    Last Sunday of Each Month
    9:00am Education Hour – All Ages
    10:00am “The Bridge” Fellowship
    10:30am “The Oasis” Worship

    Professional Nursery Care Provided 8:45-11:30am

    Have a question?
    We look forward to hearing from you!
    651 439-5667

    Worship With Us

    Gathering on Sunday

    At People’s Congregational Church we seek always to be a vibrant faith community that, through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, engages people in transforming acts of service in the world.   Worship is the core of our community of faith.  We worship to give thanks and praise to God, to have the Word of God revealed to us, and to remember to Whom we belong.   Through our worship offerings we strive to be inclusive, welcoming, and Christ-centered. is my favorite for Tickets in Fairfax, VA for Lady Antebellum, Kip Moore & Kacey Musgraves, Robin Thicke, The Avett Brothers & Old Crow Medicine Show, Demi Lovato at Fairfax Tickets in Patriot Center.

    Worship is meant to equip and empower members of our community to live fully into Christian discipleship.  Worship also must encourage newcomers by offering a hospitable space to experience God’s grace.  Because we recognize that not all people experience God’s presence in the same way, People’s Church offers more than one style of worship. has Tickets in Vancouver, BC for The Trews, Johnny Marr, Rufus Wainwright, Pepper & New Beat Fund, at Tickets Vancouver in Commodore Ballroom, Commodore Ballroom.

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    9:00 a.m. = “The Anchor”

    Guiding Scripture = We have run to God for safety. Now his promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us. This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls.

    ~Hebrews 6: 18-19, CEV

      The Anchor is worship in the traditional style, following an order of service that People’s Church has used for decades.  Music incorporated into the service of worship is offered by the organ, piano, chancel choir and selected hymns.  While many in our congregation are open to experiencing different styles of worship occasionally, they prefer to worship regularly in a traditional style to which they are accustomed.   The Anchor provides a steadfast style of worship, rooted in the historic Protestant tradition, which is both comforting and familiar to many.  

    10:30 a.m. = “The WellSpring”

    Guiding Scripture = Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give will become in you a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” ~ John 4: 13-14

      Over the years, more and more of People’s people have expressed a need for an informal, contemporary style of worship to be offered regularly, not only occasionally.  “The WellSpring” has a relaxed format and utilizes guitars as the primary musical accompaniment.  In an effort to use less paper and offer a wider variety of artistic expression, the screen is used instead of a bulletin or hymnal.  This allows for creativity in imagery, video and music.  Those who have felt confined by the language of traditional liturgy along with newcomers who have little church experience welcome the less structured feeling of “The WellSpring”.  In the summer, “The WellSpring” moves to the outdoor chapel on the church’s land.  The format of the service stays the same without the use of the screen or multimedia.  To be able to worship surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation  has been a fulfilling experience for many – even those who would choose to worship at “The Anchor” during the rest of the year.  

    Last Sunday of the month, 10:30 a.m. = “The Oasis”

    Guiding Scripture = “God will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make you strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.”

    ~ Isaiah 58:11

    Offered as the only worship opportunity one time each month, The Oasis intends to provide “creative worship to unite the community”.  The style of worship varies from month to month and the goal is to provide an experience different from “The Anchor” or “The WellSpring” while building relationship as an entire congregation.  Worship has been developed from particular genres (e.g. Iona worship) or musical styles (e.g. Bach) or artistic expression (e.g. dramatic presentation of the woman at the well).

    The two sacraments of our tradition are baptism and communion.  Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is celebrated on the second Sunday of each month. At People’s Church we believe everyone is invited to the Lord’s table, therefore we practice open communion.  


    People’s Congregational Church has a wide variety of musical opportunities for members of its congregation.  The Chancel Choir provides music for worship from September through May, usually singing two Sundays each month at our “Anchor” service.  They rehearse on Sunday mornings before the church service and explore music that ranges from Renaissance choral works to hymns and chorales and contemporary compositions.  The Chancel Choir also provides music for special services and events at People’s Church and collaborates with other church choirs in the area. Students in Sunday School also have the chance to experience music and occasionally perform during worship. .People’s Congregational Church also invites guest artists to perform both as part of our services and for special events.  People’s Church hosts the Roy Sakrison Memorial Concert Series, in which established performers from a wide range of musical genres present concerts at the church.  Admission to these concerts is free, with a free-will offering taken to benefit a local cause.  

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    Contact / Directions


    People's Congregational Church
    ph. 651.439.5667
    309 North Third Street Bayport, MN 55003